Six Degrees of Separation


The above BBC documentary examines the urban myth that everyone on earth is connected to everyone else in just a few steps of association. However, this is no myth. The proof comes from network theory, a new science with implications for everything from cancer research to pandemic control.

Sadly, the BBC’s experiment went pear shaped. Forty envelopes were given to people around the world with the instruction they had to pass it to someone they knew by their first name to someone (etc) who knew the addressee. However, only three packets made it.

Author: Jas

Jas Dhaliwal is a highly experienced International Social Media Strategist. Currently working as AVG Technologies, Director of Communities and Online Engagement, he specialises in building and engaging with social communities across the web. Born and bred in London, he is passionate about technology and social anthropology. Prior to AVG, Jas launched the social media program for Microsoft’s MVP Award program. Jas holds a BSc (Hons) in Information Systems and has an MBA from Brunel University in London, England. You can follow Jas as @Jas on Twitter or on Google+

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